At Treasure Homes Designs, we believe that it is essential to tailor a design solution that is a combination of both your taste and aspirations. In discussing every aspect of the property that are important to you and your expectations, we are able to build a detailed interior and exterior design brief that reflects you, your personality as well as your lifestyle.

We would take out time to curate your developed interior design concepts in collaboration with you. We will select options for specifications and finishes for all areas of your property and share with you for approval.

Space Planning

As an interior and exterior design company with offices in USA and Nigeria, we are constantly identifying, learning and adopting new ways to improve the value of services that we offer to our clients. We procure furniture and accessories for your home through our trusted partners and carefully selected manufacturers & suppliers. All the acquired accessories to be used in the design is then tuned to your taste and shall be authentic to your individual style. Also, our project team shall produce the information required for tendering the Interior or exterior design elements suitable for your space.

Alongside our designs we shall provide you with an open-book breakdown estimate of costs, for your approval prior to ordering in order to give you full budgetary control for your convenience and surpassed expectations.

Home Remodeling & Furnishing

We would oversee the transformation of your property by bringing both your ideas and our interior designs to life at the same time. We will coordinate, supervise and deploy a wide range of activities right down to the perfect placement of each individual accessory.

Interior Accessories

We are constantly finding, learning and implementing new ways to improve the value of service that we offer to our clients. We procurer accessories, furniture and artwork for your home through our trusted partners and carefully selected manufacturers as well as suppliers.

After the above activities, it is then tuned to your taste and shall be authentic to your individual style while providing designs suitable for your space. We shall also provide you with an open-book breakdown estimate of cost implications for your approval prior to ordering in order to enable you have full budgetary control for convenient experience.